There follows a copy of my review of Emmanuel Faye's Introduction du Nazisme dans la Philosophie (Paris: Michel, 2005) in connection with Hegel, again for the list.
Emmanuel Faye's Martin Heidegger 'L'Introduction du Nazisme dans la Philosophie, now available in English, adds to a debate that's been going in France since Victor Farias' book on Heidegger and Nazism (1987) and at a lower level before that. The debate on Heidegger is particularly intense and informed in France as he was such an influence on philosophy there after Sartre.
Emmanuel Faye's Martin Heidegger 'L'Introduction du Nazisme dans la Philosophie, now available in English, adds to a debate that's been going in France since Victor Farias' book on Heidegger and Nazism (1987) and at a lower level before that. The debate on Heidegger is particularly intense and informed in France as he was such an influence on philosophy there after Sartre.